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Peru Organic Cafe De Mujer Aproccurma

Peru Organic Cafe De Mujer Aproccurma

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.00 USD
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Sweet & Inviting

Notes of peach & maple syrup

Floral notes blossom at the beginning. Syrupy notes of maple syrup balance with juicy white peach tones. A beautiful, smooth crowd pleaser everyone will love.

For the past five years, Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Marañón (APROCCURMA) has been working directly with 124 women producers to establish coffee production from farms owned and managed by women. A significant number of women in the northern highlands of the Rodríguez de Mendoza province rely on coffee income to support their families. The farmers of the association focus on organic practices. By intercropping with shade trees, bananas, corn, and beans, they create a harmonious soil eco-system that benefits their coffee crop. 

Roast Medium
Body Medium
Acidity Medium

Region Rodríguez de Mendoza, Amazonas, Peru
1500 - 1800 masl
Clay minerals
124 women members of Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Marañón (APROCCURMA)
Variety Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Pache and Typica
Fully washed and dried in the sun
Fair Trade (FT FLO/USA) & Organic

Roast Days

Roast days are Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday.
Cut-off time is 6 am. Orders that are made after the cut-off time will be rolled over to the next roast day unless available in inventory.

We Offer Custom Grind

We sell our coffee in whole beans by default. If you would like to order ground coffee, please add a note at checkout to specify the grind type needed.

Caffeinaked offers 4 types of grind.
Grind size affects how much extraction you get from the coffee. Incorrect grind size will lead to unbalanced flavors (too sour, too bitter) or lack of strength. You should pick a grind type according to your brewing method. If it is a gift and you are not sure what brewing method the receiver uses, we recommend to go with medium grind.

  1. Medium-Fine: for Aeropress, Moka pot, siphon, single-serving pour-over cone.
  2. Medium: for V60, automatic drip machine, refillable K-cup.
  3. Coarse: for French Press, percolator, Chemex.
  4. Ultra-Coarse: for cold brew.
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