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Costa Rica Santa Maria De Dota

Costa Rica Santa Maria De Dota

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Chocolaty & Fruity

Notes of apple & chocolate

Notes of chocolate and maple syrup melt in your mouth and intrigue your palate, followed by the brightness of juicy, sweet red apple. Just enough acidity to spice things up! It is a crowd pleaser.

Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L (CoopeDota), established in 1960, is the first of its kind certified carbon-neutral mill in Costa Rica, which features hydro-powered energy consumption, water efficient eco-pulpers (also called a demucilager), and mechanical coffee dryers fueled by coffee parchment.

Roast Medium
Body Medium
Acidity Bright

Region Dota, San José, Costa Rica
Altitude 1550 – 1950 meters above sea level
Producer Cooperativa de Caficultores de Dota R.L. | 900 members
Varieties Catuai, Caturra
Process Eco-pulped and dried in the sun and mechanical driers
Certification Conventional

Roast Days

Roast days are Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday.
Cut-off time is 6 am. Orders that are made after the cut-off time will be rolled over to the next roast day unless available in inventory.

We Offer Custom Grind

We sell our coffee in whole beans by default. If you would like to order ground coffee, please add a note at checkout to specify the grind type needed.

Caffeinaked offers 4 types of grind.
Grind size affects how much extraction you get from the coffee. Incorrect grind size will lead to unbalanced flavors (too sour, too bitter) or lack of strength. You should pick a grind type according to your brewing method. If it is a gift and you are not sure what brewing method the receiver uses, we recommend to go with medium grind.

  1. Medium-Fine: for Aeropress, Moka pot, siphon, single-serving pour-over cone.
  2. Medium: for V60, automatic drip machine, refillable K-cup.
  3. Coarse: for French Press, percolator, Chemex.
  4. Ultra-Coarse: for cold brew.
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